Senin, 02 Februari 2015

Ruang tamu model minimalis

Ruang tamu model George WashingtonIt is impossible to reflect on the truly great leadership that has been one of the real blessings of this nation without including the name of George Washington in that list. In fact in almost anyones terting-gi ten list of truly great presidents Washington would almost certainly pol the Ruang tamu sederhana list. His stature in American history is legendary and the respect Americans have for this their first president borders on adoration of myth. In fact there is a lot of myth and some banyolan about our first president that reflects the love people have for this great leader. From the

many quips about his supposed wooden teeth to the thousands of places around the nation that proclaim George Washington slept here to the mythical story of how he threw a silver dollar across the Potomac as a child or his response when he was caught cutting down a cheery tree and responded to the accusation I cannot tell a lie Washingtons myth is strong in the national memory of this great leader.Washington never setel out to become the greatest president of all time or even to be in a position of leadership in the new country he helped to start.

He was the one who originated the concept of a citizen president and he believed so strongly in that concept that he refused to run for a third term because his time poros citizen leader was over. This tradition was sustained with little exception menguntil it was codified into part of our constitution in the form of the 22nd amendment.But before Washington was a great political leader he showed his tremendous leadership skills on the Ruang tamu warna ungu muda field of battle. He learned the art of warfare serving honorably in the French and Indian war and

Ruang tamu model minimalis

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